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Most Important Spirits in Cocktails

The 6 Most Important Spirits in Cocktails

Mixing spirits is all about balancing sweet, sour, bitter, salty, savory, texture, and presentation. By understanding the distillation process of spirits, we can learn how to better balance flavors. Surprisingly, the first six are the only six! That's because there are only six core spirits for cocktails, also known as hard spirits. Alcohol and spirits, [...]
Gin vs Whiskey

Gin or Whiskey: Which One Should You Choose?

If you have a soft spot for hard liquor, gin and whiskey are sure to be part of your collection and sit in your liquor cabinet. But did you know that these distilled spirits have their own share of differences and similarities? Sendgifts will take a closer look at the differences between gin and whiskey, [...]
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